Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jeanna Dressel

This week's Why Alpha Chi spotlight features Jeanna Dressel, a spring 2013 initiate of the Theta Tau chapter. 

When I started at Rutgers, I never imagined I would join Greek life. I had seen it played out in movies and bought in to believing the stereotypes. I spent most of my days on campus to my self; I was a commuter, and—I only hung out with my friends from pre-college. I didn’t have a whole lot of luck making friends with people in my classes.  My junior year, when my friends were planning to study abroad, I decided to step way out of my box and participate in formal recruitment.  Doing it alone was pretty scary!  But, every time I walked into the Alpha Chi house the sisters made me feel something that I didn’t feel anywhere else.  It was like a sigh of relief! I never felt like I had to try hard-- these girls wanted to know me and I felt like I could be myself always, one hundred percent! Because I took a risk-- and accepted my bid from Alpha Chi, I have so many incredible memories and opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jennifer Ross

This week's Why Alpha Chi spotlight feature Jennifer Ross. 

I joined Alpha Chi and the Theta Tau chapter my freshman year in spring 2007. Before college, I never thought about being a part of a sorority. To be honest, I didn't know much about them until I came out to a COB event. My distinct memory of that night was the overwhelmingly warm welcome I received at the little green house on Union Street. Through conversation, I found girls just like me in our interests, our ambitions and our collegiate experience. I knew immediately this was where I wanted to be.

Joining Alpha Chi, I found friends I could talk to, complain with, laugh with, and who I wanted to spend the majority of my time with at school. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. I knew Alpha Chi and Theta Tau were where I belonged and I made sure to make the very best of my experience.

Through my leadership experiences at Alpha Chi, I learned organization, patience, and how to teach and learn from my sisters. Alpha Chi taught me to be more charitable and selfless. In my four years as an undergraduate, I supported many causes and continue to do so as an alumna. Some of my favorite memories are participating and marching in "Take Back the Night”, dancing at Dance Marathon, and playing volleyball/dodgeball for a cause, all alongside my sisters.

Alpha Chi taught me a great deal about friendship, especially how to be a listening ear and soundboard. Some of my very best friends are Alpha Chis. 

And so when someone asks me why Alpha Chi, I‘m proud to explain in the most certain terms what an amazing experience it is having sisters for life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lauren Kinard

Today's Why Alpha Chi spotlight features Lauren Kinard, a Spring 2009 initiate of the Theta Tau chapter. 

Going to a large school can be a very intimidating experience. There are so many options and so many choices to make. Many people become friends with the people on their floor, since they are all sharing the same experiences at the same time. As a transfer student, I did not get to experience that. 

I was looking for a way to make a giant school like Rutgers seem smaller. I was looking for friends with similar interests to mine. I had trouble making female friends in high school and knew I wanted to change that, so joining a sorority seemed like a no-brainer. Going through formal rush was a whirlwind. I talked to so many girls. I remember speaking with Vivian Feldman at preference, I was so nervous, due to my lack of confidence and inexperience of talking to other girls my age. 

I was thrilled when I got my bid. I was so excited to meet my new member class. I had girls to eat with, to study with, and to explore Rutgers with. Rachel Fine was always willing to do something with me. I fell asleep more than once on her bed while watching TV or helping her craft later on, when she took Amanda as her little. Joanna Wojton loved all things girly with me. We became roommates and it was the best year ever. We’d go out together, vent to each other, and laughed a lot. Michelle Behling and our epic spring break trips. My big, Sherri Smith, was always there whenever I need her. She still is. I’m so excited that I get to stand up with her while she marries the man she loves. My two amazing littles, Kara Borshof and Brittany King, I was so proud to watch them grow and become these amazing strong women I know today. 

Why Alpha Chi? Because of the friends I made. Alpha Chi gave me my future bridesmaids. Alpha Chi gave me a family.